Friday, 24 April 2009

Think globally, Act locally. Environment


An Internet treasure hunt involves searching the Internet for valuableinformation. In this hunt, you will explore questions about the environment. Your clues will be found within the web sites listed above the questions. Search your clues carefully to discover what we can do to care for the environment.

Your Tasks

  1. Copy the questions on paper or in your notebook. Below each question, leave space to write the answer.
  2. Search each web site to find the answers to the questions. Write them under the questions.
  3. For each answer, name the source of your information (web site).
  4. Give the answers to your teacher in a recycled piece of paper.

site 1.

  • 1. What materials can you recycle?
  • 2. What is there in a rubbish bin?
  • 3.How many houses have printers in the UK?
  • 4. What does The recycling Appeal collect?
  • 5. How much does a tree seat cost ? (60 diameter)
  • 6. Where is alumninium taken after it is collected?
  • 7. Finally , ask your teacher to print a poster for you.

site 2.

1. How can you reduce paper waste?
2. What can you do with your old clothes?
3. Can you translate the following sentence: " You must avoid using disposable items." Use this link if necessary
4. What can you do to reuse jars and pots?

site 3.

  • 1. What does global warming mean?
  • 2. How much did Global surface temperature increase during the last century?
  • 3. What are the greenhouse gases?

site 4.

  • The killer whale is also called____________________ and it belongs to the family of the____________________.
  • Which are the main threats for killer whales?
  • Find this paragraph about wolves and complete it:

There are an estimated __________to 11,200 wolves in _________and more than 5,000 in the lower 48 states. Around the ___________there are an estimated 200,000 in _______ countries, compared to up to 2 million in earlier times.

  • How many species of snakes are there? Which are their main threats?
site 5
1. Have a look at this site and write a short composition about one of the animals .

The big question
And finally, you must make a poster about one of the following activities:
  • Ten actions we can do at home to be eco-friendly.
  • Endangered animals.

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